Recent Super Video Speed Controller reviews : Page 78
Супер! Огромное спасибо разработчикам!! Есть проблема!!( Когда смотришь видео на ютубе в 2,00, затем заходишь вконтакт, и там тоже видео становится 2,00, а изменить горячими клавишами уже не получается( Хотелось бы, чтоб функция “Remember Playback Speed” запоминала отдельно скорость воспроизведения для разных сайтов.
Супер. Иногда проблема бывает: видео не воспроизводится и замирает, также твич и тд. Решается переустановкой плагина.
AMAZING! I use MplayerX or VLC in 1.3x-1.5x mode to watch downloaded video’s but needed something to do the same with Netflix as my brain doesn’t seem to want to go back to normal speed. This is the solution. I only had one issue but today I learned that if you click on the speed display during playback it’ll go away :-)
My favourite chrome app. It genuinely makes me feel more productive. I can watch twice as much in the same time.
One of my favorite Chrome Extensions. I love those keyboard shortcuts. Although, when speed is increased to more than 10x, I’m not sure what’s actual speed. It’s for sure slower, than shown in the corner.
So great. I use it to watch technical talks faster. Downside: I’ll never recognize the voices of the speakers I watch :).. But I can live with that.
Отлично! запоминает настройки скорости - становятся дефолтными для последующих, можно регулировать кликом мышки скорость, перемотать назад. В общем в аккурат то, чего мне не хватало в других расширениях для youtube!
Awesome application, even if the default html player supports speeds of up t0 twice as fast, that wasn’t enough for me, i wanted at least 3 to be able to get the information 3 times as fast. I truly recommend everyone to speedup their informational video and audio intake to learn more and have more free time :)
0.2.0_0 just released! with configs, and the ability to save playback rate! awesome! I was just about to pimp this extension myself but I’m gald you did it before me… way better :) Thank you!
Definitely a must have for Speed Viewing. Saves great deal of time, allows to reach even higher speeds(more than the usual available option of 2x).