Recent Super Video Speed Controller reviews : Page 73

  • 20.10.2016

    Works beautifully! Love how much time this saves me when trying to watch training videos and catch up on stuff.

  • 12.10.2016

    Neil Sharma: Aside from an adblocker, this is the second most important chrome extension for a modern consumer of the internet. I totally agree

  • 29.9.2016

    Apart from an adblocker, this is the second most important chrome extension for a modern consumer of the internet.

  • 19.9.2016

    Aside from an adblocker, this is the second most important chrome extension for a modern consumer of the internet. Most sites at this point have HTML5 video, and some (like youtube), enable speed alterations. This covers all the sites that do not, which at the time of writing, include Netflix and Vimeo. I’ve only had this extension for about a month, but have probably saved 4-5 hours of my life. I need to get in the habit of using the shortcut keys because on some sites, the speed adjustment display on the top left is blocked by the website’s UI (back button on netflix, full-screen play/pause button on Amazon Prime). Would be nicer to put that in the video’s player control instead of up top.

  • 1.9.2016

    This allows you to speed up any video on the internet. ANY video. Which includes adds, yes you can speed up adds so you don’t have to sit through them, and you can support the video makers. Win Win

  • 15.8.2016

    Time management for the Youtube Generation. Watch your vids in less time and have full control of your playback speed.

  • 11.8.2016

    Works like a charm. Doesn’t work on flash videos, but includes a short list of instructions of how to bypass this problem.

  • 8.8.2016

    Perfect for watching long tutorial videos. Slowly increase the speed and you’ll eventually get used to playing videos over twice normal speed!

  • 6.8.2016

    Fantastic extension for saving time online. If you’re having trouble speeding up certain video types, temporarily disable adobe flash via Chrome’s settings, and then the videos may be loadable with the add on’s interface

  • 4.8.2016

    Best extension ever. I watch tons of videos, lectures and TV shows. This extension helps me save time. Imagine the total time you can save if every video you ever watch is 30% faster. The best thing is, the developer listens to users and will fix problems and bugs that you fine. So far, it’s perfect, I can’t find any fault anymore.