Recent Super Video Speed Controller reviews : Page 4

  • 10.8.2023

    My favourite video extension on chrome! It speeds up the videos on my uni websites as well. I’ve tested it on other 10 ish extentions before and none of them could do that. The volume function is very useful as well if you have a lecturer who likes to swing away from the mic during lectures.

  • 7.8.2023

    video speed controller不只可以調整播放速度,還可調整回放/快進的秒數(我是設定兩秒),這樣就很大程度地彌補了language reactor無法在disney plus平台上使用的缺憾

  • 2.8.2023

    Probably my favorite extension on chrome, or at least one of the most useful. I use it countless times per day. Super nice! Thank you developer(s)!

  • 2.8.2023

    tam aradığım şey. videoyu %10 ve katlarında hızlandırıyor veya yavaşlatıyor. inşaallah ileride katları %5’lere düşürürler. çok teşekkür ederim. uzantıyı indirdikten sonra video olan sayfayı (mesela youtube) tazeleyin, imleçi video penceresinin üzerine getirdiğinizde pencerenin sol üst köşesinde 1 rakamı görünecek. imleçinizi onun üzerine getirince sağ tarafına doğru küçük denetem penceresi açılıyor.

  • 27.7.2023

    working perfectly, has small glitches like when video is paused, sometimes speed gets normal when resumed, until the extension is pressed again, or sometimes automatically sets back the speed. (Note: in this glitch I have not turned the ‘whenever extension is clicked’ option, but still, I have to click sometimes) but that doesn’t cause much issue for normal tasks or streaming.

  • 24.7.2023

    Endlich ein Geschwindigkeitsregler gefunden, der nicht nur flexibel gestaltbar ist (mein Favorit 3 fache Geschwindigkeitserhöhung), sondern auch noch die Stimme (höher, tiefer) und sogar die Lautstärke (deutlich höher, als mein Laptop) verändert. Einfach absolut Weltklasse. (Leider habe ich nicht ganz verstanden, wie die Einstellungskürzel zu managen sind, aber ich bin schon mit diesen hier sehr zufrieden. Danke an den Entwickler.)

  • 22.7.2023

    Hello everyone I would like to recommend this plugin, as I find it extremely useful and in demand. To solve problems when you need to slow down or speed up video playback online is the best tool.

  • 22.7.2023

    This plugin can both speed up the video and slow it down. Everything is implemented very conveniently. The interface is as simple as possible. Works with all types of online videos.

  • 22.7.2023

    Acceleration works smoothly and accurately, in full accordance with the selected percentage indicator. But the interface could be simplified somewhat.

  • 22.7.2023

    I think it makes sense to add options for creating custom acceleration presets. I find the extension useful, especially when used in social networks.